Maple View Farm will have 6'-9' Christmas trees starting the day after Thanksgiving. The pre-cut trees come from a small family farmer just over the Vermont border in Canada. We are always happy with the shape and quality of their trees. Tree sales are an important part to the sustainability of our family farm and we appreciate your business! Tree lot hours are Sunday-Wednesday 10am-6pm and Thursday-Saturday 10am-8pm Trees will be set up on our Brewery lawn. Trees start at $35 and go up to about $100. Cash only.
Worried about when your tree was cut? We won't be able to tell you an exact date of when our trees were cut. But we can tell you that HOW you take care of your tree once it is in the harsh environment of your house (with all its warm, dry air), is much more important than WHEN your tree was cut. Read on for tips on how to care for your fresh cut tree:
1. Real Trees are a renewable, recyclable resource. Artificial trees contain non-biodegradable plastics and possible metal toxins such as lead.
2. There are more than 4,000 local Christmas Tree recycling programs throughout the United States.
3. For every Real Christmas Tree harvested, 1 to 3 seedlings are planted the following spring.
4. Trees absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen while they are growing.
1. Make a fresh cut. Take an additional 1 inch off the bottom and place in water immediately.
2. Place the tree in a stand that can hold at least 1 gallon of water and keep giving it water until it stops drinking.
3. Always keep your tree base covered with water. If it dries out, resin will form over the bottom and it will not drink up more water. You don't need anything other than tap water to keep your tree hydrated.
4. Follow all these steps and your tree should last 5 weeks or more.